Saturday, January 29, 2011

New School

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Kids crack me up with the things they make up to get their point across. My son Josh, obviously, was not looking forward to moving when he made this exclamation after we explained having to attend a new school.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Clean Thoughts

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I heard this one from a friend who's child pointed out the pretty clouds coming from a factory.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lost and Sound (Asleep) - Sleepwalk II

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The real story is this (as I remember it being told to me): My two older brothers were babysitting me and I crawled out of my crib. They heard noises upstairs and came to inspect. They found my crib empty, got freaked out, and thought someone broke in and took me. After the police showed up, I apparently crawled out from wherever my sleepwalk had taken me much to the surprise of my parents (who had to leave their bridge game?), my brothers and the police officers.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pitter Patter - Sleepwalk I

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This sleep walking episode is one of several from my childhood. Though the scene and the characters are different, the event as portrayed is very close to the real thing. Mom and Dad, sorry for letting go on the entry tile.