Friday, December 31, 2010

Padawan Stevy

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My son Josh has an uncanny memory for lines from movies. When he was about 3 1/2, he didn't talk much, but floored us when he broke a lego-made sword and spat out a line verbatim from Star Wars II. When he smashed the sword into the floor we thought for sure this was going to be the beginning of a major tantrum.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Christmas Wish

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In the spirit of the celebration of Christ's birth, this story came to me by way of my Brother and Sister-in-Law. I thought it was great so I added it to Stevy's collection of funny-isms . Thank you Tammi and Adam!

What's in the Closet?

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My son Josh shares the same fears most kids have. Lucky for my wife and me, he created his own coping mechanism.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Innocence Spared

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I still feel the pain of that brief moment in time of what I thought was coming out of my son's mouth.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The ABC's of De Feet

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This one is especially for my parents. In 1977, one of my favorite Saturday TV shows was ABC's Wide World of Sports, particularly the intro sequence with the ski jumper, Vinko Bogataj, and his spectacular bail-out in the famous 'Agony of Defeat'. From the perspective of a five year old, I could see how that fall would bring particular agony to the feet but it sure looked more painful to the other parts of his body.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Five Letter Word

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Five Letter Word was inspired by my son Zac. He was about 3 1/2 when he and I were headed to my parents for the weekend. I think the illustration tells the rest of the story.

If it Tastes Like it...

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'If it Tastes Like it...' was inspired by my son Josh as he was getting ready for bed one night. The title, of course is an abstract of the joke, well you know how it goes...It smells like...It looks like..., so on and so forth.

All Natural

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'All Natural' was inspired by my son Zac, who was about 3 or 3 1/2 at the time and was practicing his letter recognition but couldn't quite read at the time. The illustration is just about how the actual event happened. The ice cream was in fact Breyers and as I wrote down the story I thought how fitting the all natural Breyers  ice cream and the innocence of a child just worked. There's one for you Breyers.